Thursday, June 16, 2011

Almost Two weeks I'm Here...

Location: still at Malacca...

Reading sentences lines by lines make me sick of it....My head stuck within this weeks..OMG.....So i decided to write instead of reading..hahhaha

Becoming the best is not simple just clapping your hands....Willing to sacrifice, don't bother what people said about us and push up all effort that we have ( sometimes super duper extra effort) are the things that we faced it when we are doing our best.....

I am not regret anything but i am just wondering should be or not we stop being the best...It's all depends to ourselves...You are what you are going to be...^__^.Sometimes people want us be the best while we can't and sometimes we want do the best when others didn't expected anything from us...That differences between get the best because we want it or people surrounding us want it...

Sincerely from my heart....don't expect me to give the best for you because i just giving the best when i think it worth for me....I believe when we trying so hard for ourselves not for others, it will give us appreciation and satisfy..We know what we doing, we know what we want and we know all things about ourselves then we should know what the best that should we get,right?

The thing is, when we grow up the world become challenge and different from world when we are in little...You decide what you want and do a plan to get what you want...Please don't bother what people said about our future,don't bother what people said about the past...You have the most bad historical then what?? You should thankful to Allah for giving you such a great chance to change and realize our mistakes.People that know the best about ourselves is a person that realize their own mistake not others..

Keep improve yourself as you want it...You want to expert in English then keep write,read,listen even dreaming in English..(like En Aziz said) Don't shame when your English is out..People do a mistake.
You want to marry early then find jobs,earns some money and you can marry anyone...(LOLs)(^___^)

The moral of this entry is: You know what you should have in your life...Always thankful to Allah that you really appreciate the life.


  1. i like it.... so is not shame went my english so bad hahahahaha...

  2. if i want to marry early, so i'll find jobs, then i can marry anyone...happiness...:)

  3. hahhahah.......
    kazuko: should not be shame....lantak pi org nak kata apa..hhaha

    su_eda: hahhah...marry anyone???not mine yeah...hhaha
