Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Apa Ada dengan Kemalasan????


Bangun Lambat...
Mandi Lambat...
Masak??? MAGGI je...
Kain.....Esok Basuh....
Malas cari spek mata...Biarkan diri menrabun..teraba-raba menaip keyboard....
Kepala sakit...malas mkn ubat....sebab kena cari kat dalam bekas ubat yang hilang entah kemana...
Kerja.........CUTI setengah hari...berani amik risiko xnak hantar report...mampuss...
Kawan ajak shopping....duit takde dalam poket..malas nak withdaw..xpun malas nak drive...
Alamak...kepala mcm nak pecah....mata dah berpinar...ok rajinkan sikit pi amik cermin mata.....
Lapar....MAlas makan...haus...malas nak turun bawah...
Malam.....ok..lapar sgt nie...kuar makan...
Balik....texting with B...ayat pendek2...malas betol nak taip....

Lokasi: Rumah Sendiri @ Kg..

AMARAN: Anda MALAS, ANDA adalah peserta Ceramah BOM NUKLEAR
Penceramah: MAdam of the HOUSE and Big MAdam OF tHIS HOUSE....
Tricks: Buat2 tengah buat KERJE tapi sebenornye....BLOGGING....
almaklumlah....I Just Got New Breath Of My BLOG....

The moral of the story:
1) anda adalah anda apabila anda di rumah sewa dimana anda boleh wat sesuka hati anda....tanpa anda sedar anda sedang mendera diri anda....
2) Anda adalah diri anda yang sepatutnya anda sedar bahawa anda adlah hebat tapi terjadi bila anda adlah peserta Ceramah BOM NUKLEAR

Monday, June 27, 2011


First time dalam hidup jadi assistant kepada penceramah....bukan sebagai peserta...hahhah

perasaan: seronok!!!
pakaian: serba hitam siap pakai kot...(kot pinjam org +adzera+, seluar slack baru beli....semangat giler)

perasaan: hmmm.....cuak...
sebab: semua peserta adalah staff UTeM bukan student...Ok...Perasaan itu telah bercampur baur..Malu,hebat, cuak and blur....hmmm.....

Masa mula-mula datang tu aku tak tau nak wat apa kat dalam dewan....
Tanya kat technician " apa yang boleh saya tolong"...(budget aku nie hebat sgt lah nak ckp mcm tue....malu lepas tue ckp mcm tue...hahahhah). Tehnician pun cakap: hmmm....saya rasa awak tak dpt tlg apa2 kot..hahahah Sengal lah technician nie.....Lagi bertambah malu...hahhaha

En.Aziz datang....Tapi ramai pulak peserta yang datang lambat..Haish...Bengang pula aku....Aku tau lah depa staff...Biasalah...Kami student pun sama gak..selalu masuk kelas lambat....hahhaha..Temanya: due2 sama je...

Apa aku buat kat seminar tue:
a) tangkap gambar
b) tolong bagi hand out,materials
c) tolong makan free....

Bila time makan, aku tak tau nak duduk mana...aku budget aku duduk kat meja peserta lah kan...Tapi ada seorg urusetia dia suh aku mkn kat meja untuk vip ( aku rase meja vip..ala..yang dah ada mkann kat atas meja).Siap ada pelayan....Perh.....hebat..Tapi oleh kerana aku merasakan aku tak perlu dilayan mcm tue ( sbb aku rasa aku student), jadi aku ckap" Tidak mengapa, saya boleh buat sendiri" ( sebenarnya aku cakap: xpe...xpe...saya boleh amik sendiri...LOLS)

Dah lah meja tue punyelah besar yang makn kat meja tue cume 3 org je..haish......kadang-kadang en aziz (sir aku) x join makan....kadang-kadang aku mkn sorang...hai.....rasa keseorangan tatkala ini....untung sodap mkn lepas tue free lak..apalagi aku bantai jelh.....

Seminar yang aku join nie berlangsung 2 hari.....Seminar nie pasal creative problem solving...aku dah prnah belajar dah benda ni masa kelas ngn sir aku...tapi tak paham sgt...sekarang aku dah paham dah..almaklumlah dua kali dengar kan....Bagus jugak lah seminar nie tapi aku tak rasa semua org peserta boleh apply blik dalam workplace....hmmm...aku rasa lah...


Selepas seminar tersebut, aku terus balik ke kg halaman...aku ckap ngn en.aziz aku nak wat keje kat kg halaman......Tanpa disangka2 lagi en Aziz bagi seh.................hahhahahah..buat penat je aku gaduh dgn Izzat...hahahha..

Sedang membuat kerja sebagai RA dengan gembiranya.....bersama keluarga tersayang....hahhahah
FREEDOM of RA!!!!!

Sort of events ( SEMINAR):

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Almost Two weeks I'm Here...

Location: still at Malacca...

Reading sentences lines by lines make me sick of it....My head stuck within this weeks..OMG.....So i decided to write instead of reading..hahhaha

Becoming the best is not simple just clapping your hands....Willing to sacrifice, don't bother what people said about us and push up all effort that we have ( sometimes super duper extra effort) are the things that we faced it when we are doing our best.....

I am not regret anything but i am just wondering should be or not we stop being the best...It's all depends to ourselves...You are what you are going to be...^__^.Sometimes people want us be the best while we can't and sometimes we want do the best when others didn't expected anything from us...That differences between get the best because we want it or people surrounding us want it...

Sincerely from my heart....don't expect me to give the best for you because i just giving the best when i think it worth for me....I believe when we trying so hard for ourselves not for others, it will give us appreciation and satisfy..We know what we doing, we know what we want and we know all things about ourselves then we should know what the best that should we get,right?

The thing is, when we grow up the world become challenge and different from world when we are in little...You decide what you want and do a plan to get what you want...Please don't bother what people said about our future,don't bother what people said about the past...You have the most bad historical then what?? You should thankful to Allah for giving you such a great chance to change and realize our mistakes.People that know the best about ourselves is a person that realize their own mistake not others..

Keep improve yourself as you want it...You want to expert in English then keep write,read,listen even dreaming in English..(like En Aziz said) Don't shame when your English is out..People do a mistake.
You want to marry early then find jobs,earns some money and you can marry anyone...(LOLs)(^___^)

The moral of this entry is: You know what you should have in your life...Always thankful to Allah that you really appreciate the life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What i am Doing Here?

Location: Malacca
Why : Part Time Job as SRA.
Company : Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)

I started to do my task that should be finished by past two month...hahahahhaha...What a suck SRA!! i am feel very pity and sympathy to my lecture that offered this job to me due to my weakness..By the way, i still give my full commitment ( how to spell 'komitmen' in english?...sengal!!) to my jobs...You will never ever feel regret by taking me as part of your research....( promote diri!!!Cover2..)

The topic is about Global Competencies among malaysian engineers ( especially Fresh Graduate). I try finds the religion aspects as one of the elements that causing the Malaysian engineers can't beat to multinasional.What do you think? I think the religion aspects did'nt gives any bad effect but should give the engineers feel to compete with other multinasional engineers. If you read this entry, i need your comments. Perhaps your suggestion or opinion will give sort of ideas that never come out from my head.LOLs

You pleasure to give your comments in Bahasa Malaysia ang English.

Mode: Try to improve my language skills(english).