Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Birthday For Both Of You( 08 & 15)

We are having a same month...
A week gap..
Fall in same day..
In same year...
We are different..
Different gender..
Different mom and dad..
Different family..
and Mostly Different character...

We are trying to be close..
But not too close..
Gather to know each other..
About family..
Dislike and favorite..
Strength and Weakness...

But he always said..
Don't compare what the differences between us..
Don't bother what people said about you and me..
Be my strength if i have a lots of weakness than you..
And I will be your strength when you're trying to wake up from the darkness...

Being apart is a lesson for us..
Lesson to know your trustworthy, loyalty and honestly...

Don't afraid...
If we are meant to be together ...
And Allah merestui kita..

*credit fly to : author


  1. i like.. kpd allen: tahniah sbb dpt jinak singa betina.. hahaha

    1. kau kata aku singa betina sue!!!!
      sampai hati kau..kan...^__^
