Friday, April 15, 2011

I don't believe that WE CAN DO IT....(^___^)

Last few days are horror weeks for us...
My  team member:
1) Nor amalina Bt mohd basri
2) suhaida bt mohd latif
3) nik siti noor hanisah bt nik salleh
4) ME!!!!

What we all do within this week:
Sunday night: last preparation for Database Design presentation.Sleep mode: 4 a.m
Monday morning: 1st Presentation Day. Mode: mistake with parents and child position...EERD
( comment: my team member said that my unsatisfied face just come out during the presentation...hahhaha)

Monday night: preparation for Software Requirement Engineering (SRE). Sleep mode: 2 a.m
Tuesday morning: We almost late for presentation!!! But we have saver!! Bikky...@BKX 2126..
Pn kasturi: shared library is in extension jar how come your component in cpp extension....
My answer: hehehhehe..i just refer in lab module ( lazy to make extra references..hahha)
after presentation:
My team member: at least we put the extension and we know what it is...

Tuesday afternoon and night: TECH COMM!!!!mode: 1a.m.
Wednesday: Tech Comm presentation...Title: Is It Necessary For Students Have A Facebook?
Mode: OK! (madam too tired to listen more and more presentation from her students then it is credit for us!!hahha)

Wednesday afternoon and night: two projects must be submitted on thursday...we separated into two minor group...1 group for Web Application and the other group for database design (demo)..
Sleep time: 4 a.m ( this is most worse day)
Thursday: web application: ok...
database design: PASS!! ( even manager can took the waste..hahhaha)

I would like to thank to my team members....
Nor amalina, suhaida, nik siti noor hanisah and nur hazwani hamizah( tech comm) as your willing to work as my group member...hehehhe...i'm very sorry for what im done due to lack of sleep and work overtime....hahahah...But when the moments en.fadzil said that we passed on demo then is was my relief to have you as my group....SARANGHAE YO!!!NAMO...NAMO...NAMO....Chuwaow.....
This will be our last grouping task( i think) since we no longer together in Bengkel 2 team.....I hope both us will learn how to come out the good ideas for our group task soon....

For my dearest friends and team members: GOOD LUCK!!!!learn to work with other people wisely (especially me and suhaida.....hahhahahahah..oppss....)

Lastly: i love you all!! Thank you very much....Good Luck In Our EXAM!!!!


  1. xkn tu je kut kite owg pun tlg gak.... cian k.tati penat tlg cr warne.... xde ke penghargaan tok kite owg.. muahahahahahaha......
    by the way congratulation..... nice work nice idea i like..... hihihihihi

  2. Kazuko: nice to see nice to hold...once boken consider sold....hahha

  3. sweet memory...myb sekali je bleh rse dlm hidup...pasni kte rse bende lain plak...
    thanks a lot...terharu yo...huhuhu

  4. hahahahaha...... the best movement....
