Thursday, December 20, 2012

Im not lucky enough

Telling the truth...

Bkx sgt agresif sehingga mampu utk mencederakan lawannya dihadapan. Asakan mengejut kehadapn membuatkan satu momentum berlaku dan mnghasilkan bunyi...dump!

Telling the second..

Don't ever you trust anybody in front of the bank!

Reveal #1

My mistake. Dekat roundbout..ok.fine

Reveal #2

Kena  tipu. Nasib baik rm 20...


Tambahkan level fokus anda semasa memandu...

Beware dan belajar untuk menolak.

Emotions:  mestilah saya sedih!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Baby in da house!!!

Hello seniors!
My name is muhammad awwal akil bin mohd azhari. You can call me awwal azhari. Not awwal ashari is awwal it!
Thanks for giving a chance to have some publisity here. Huah.. And i also want to say that i am proud to have a beautiful, sweet and loving auntie!! Yes, aunt pipin (so x glamour ok nama makcik aku..hmm) . More about me? Hmm.. Oh ya.. My coming birthday  will be on 31th august every year and all of readers are pleasure to give me some presents thru my lovely aunt...(choi sikit)

P/s: biar lah budak nak baru naik....first dapat anak buah...dah dpt pangkat makcik..korang ade?aku bru nak ade..heheheh